Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Current Knitting project

I still consider myself a fairly new knitter. I think its because projects take so long to do...each day I have to think...knit or bike, knit or usually the knitting is the last thing at night and it relaxes me so much that I fall asleep! I started this scarf for my 18 yr old son who has been watching me knit it, patiently waiting. My goal is winter so I am safe yet. Illinos winters can be nasty. So, this is what I plan to do today. I pray for him as I knit it so there's alot of love going into this...can you see it ? :)


Anonymous said...

Welcome to this crazy world of blogging. Just remember, you have been warned that it is a very crazy world :)

My husband is a biker. Maybe I should start knitting while he rides. I'm afraid I would get one row done by the time he gets his 30 miles in. Sad, but true.

By the way...just love that Becky!

Anonymous said...

I see you have heard from my biggest fan. I love that Ginger! She is my long lost sister that I never knew I had.

Hey, that scarf is beautiful. Well, for your son I will say it is quite good looking. Really.

I love that color. I think that is the color i used for the scarf I did for the Butler's sister for her birthday in Feb. I loved that scarf and so did she.

Have fun!

And ... you are doing good with this blogging thing. You've got the hang of it.

Unknown said...

Love your sense of humor. Think I must be a midlife REcycler:-)

I'm giving away treats on my blog today to anyone who wants one. It's that time of year, so beware, it could be a trick :-)

Karen said...

I'm trying my hand at knitting something this week. I am impressed with how neat your rows are. I'm just finding out how hard it is to get them that way! LOL!

Barbara said...

Hi! Nice to meet you. Thanks for visiting. Hope you will be coming back regularly.
There are lots of posts on the Cotswolds as we recently returned from a holiday there.
Scarf looks good for a new knitter.
A prayer scarf too.

Willow said...

I'm a knitter, too. I post something about my knitting almost every day. I love the blue scarf and the idea of praying as you knit. I've knitted a prayer shawl for a friend who was sick.

Bill said...

My grandmother and my mother had to stay busy, even when they were sitting still, so they were both knitters. Sometimes I wish I knew how. Keep it up! Keep on cycling, too, but don't do both at the same time.

Susan said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Welcome to blogworld. I'm sure it will bless you as much as it has me. It is such a wonderful place and I have "met" so many wonderful people.

I am neither a knitter or a biker but if you love the Lord we have all that is necessary!!!

Tammy said...


I saw you in Violetlady's comments and that you are a new blogger.

I see by your profile that we have a lot in common, except I don't knit...I do admire those that do though and that scarf looks lovely. The winters here in Ohio are rough too!

Take care and come visit me any time!

Karen said...

Look at you! All these comments -- you're a natural at this blogging thing. I love the blue scarf too! It gives me an idea that I could knit my son a scarf instead of making him a quilt. Because I don't quilt. And I wanted to do something warm and comfy for him.

Hmmm. Don't know what happened to the comment you left that disappeared. I didn't know you could comment FROM bloglines. So maybe it's still out there. . . somewhere. . .

Unknown said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! Your blog looks great. Thanks for visiting mine!

I have been knitting for a few years now. I am totally addicted! I either sell or give away what I make. My family and I don't have any of my creations. I have a knitting-only blog at that I only post to occasionally. I was afraid that my main blog would be a turn-off to non-knitters with all my K2, P2 stuff, and now I don't post about knitting much at all!

Your scarf looks great, especially if you're a beginner. You just might be a natural :-)

Dianne said...

Welcome to Blogdom! That scarf looks good. I am sitting here with a skein of yarn and a knitting book I just bought, going to give it a whirl and see if I can get the hang of it enough to join a bunch of ladies at church who knit/crochet projects for shelters,etc. We'll see . . . this was encouraging and so was the biking post! Again, welcome!!