Thursday, November 8, 2007

Twangs in our Life

Any of you with teens(that's my younger rock star) may already know about this game called Guitar Hero. Its hard!! I have tried it and you have to play the notes to the tunes of rock songs(I prefer the familiar ones of the 70's( Slow Ride). The guitar is the "controller" that plugs into the video console.You must then correctly press the right colored buttons on the guitar's neck (and strum at the same time) to match the onscreen instructions. Play well and the familiar rock songs sound like they should, and the virtual crowd cheers you on, but if you press incorrect notes, some sour "twangs" are heard, and the crowd begins to quiet down or even boo you may see this coming but I am trying to relate this video game to our lives. When we "play well" and seem to hit the right notes, God is pleased with us, but aren't you glad for Grace?? God does not boo us off stage when we hit a "twang" in our life. I have my share of "twangs" daily and I am thankful God hears those sour notes and is a forgiving God. May we all make beautiful music today!


Karen said...

My son just got this! It's driving me crazy. But, I will have to take a turn at it, to release my inner rock star.

Knit-Wit said...

We have some friends who own this. My boys have played it, but prefer their real instruments. I haven't played it myself - but everyone (except my boys) say its fun.

Anonymous said...

I made the mistake of asking my E if he had ever heard of THE Guitar Hero and he laughed me right out of the room. Apparently I need to lose the THE.

This is a great post, Jody. I love the word picture.

Tammy said...

My nine year old granddaughter has requested this for Christmas...sounds like a HOOT!

I too am oh so thankful for God's Grace!

Have a great day!

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

Sounds like a fun game! I like the way you worked the twang in! I know about those twangs!!


Renie Burghardt said...

Oh, I have my share of "twangs" as well, and am thankful for the grace.



Anonymous said...

This sounds like something my SIL would have a blast with. For all I know he probably has it.

I just loved how you related this to the way we live our lives. I love music and cringe when someone sings off key. This post will remind me of the forgiving grace of our Lord.

Kelli said...

I saw someone playing this game in Walmart tonight. It was loud, but it did look fun!

I saw your question about Mr. Linky. Here are the steps:

1. Publish a Thanskgiving post on your blog.

2. Go to the bottom of your post where you will see a time stamp. (The post that I am commenting on has the time of 10:17pm). Click on the time and "copy" the link that pops up in your address bar.

3. Come over to my blog and look for the Mr. Linky. You will see a "Your name" section. Type in your first name.

4. You will also see a "Your URL" section. This is where you want to "paste" what you just copied in step 2.

4. Click the enter button and you're done!

I will be happy to send you the link for the Giving Thanks button. Just email me at and let me know if you have any questions!
