Wednesday, November 7, 2007

YOU....Staying Young...

Today I am going to share some facts with you that I read in the new book I got from Dr Oz called "You....Staying Young...The Owners Manual for Extending Your Warranty "

Did you know.....???

-Research shows those people who take 162 mg of aspirin a day show a 40% decrease in arterial aging, a major cause of memory loss

-People who consume the highest amount of Vitamin E are 43% less likely to get Alzheimers

-When you increases your learning during life, you decrease the risk of developing memory -related problems

-Veggies of any kind, slow cognitive decline even more than fruits...pass the sprouts , please!

-Garlic ,100% whole grains, soybeans, avocado, beets, and raisins are all helpful to lowering blood pressure

-Flossing your teeth is more crucial in preventing tooth decay and gum disease than brushing and Dr Oz says if you dont floss, start saving for dentures

-Yoga is a great de-stress technique ,lowers blood pressure and heart rate, decreases stress hormones like serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins

-Research suggests singing also produces endorphins and helps to increase immune function

-Use a Neti Pot to clean out your nasal cavity

-Oolong tea contains polyphenols,which have been shown to hekp control body fat

People who get fewer than 6 hours of sleep a night have a 50% increased risk of viral infections and an increased risk of heart disease

-Saunas help clear toxins from your body

-Vitamin D reduces the risk of cancer, because its toxic to cancer cells. He recommends 800 IU a day if you're younger than 60 (whew!made that age limit!) and 1000 IU if you are over 60

-Olive oil, rich in monounsaturated fat, is not only a heart helper but may also deter cancer

-Green tea has been shown to have the highest content of polyphenols, which are chemicals with potent antioxidant properties(believed to be greater than even Vitamin c)

-Deep breathing helps transport nitric oxide , a very important lung and blood vessel dilator that resides in your nasal passage, to your lungs.

-The most important things you can do to lower your risk of diabetes are to keep your waist thin, exercise 30 min daily and keep your blood pressure under control.

-Get a chia pet...30 grams of chia seed taken with bread decreased the sharp blood sugar spike seen an hour after eating

Well, I could go on and on and on. This book is so full of information, that I am going to sit down and read this cover to cover this weekend. I 'll let you know what I have learned. I just went through and tried to pull a few things of interest but Dr Oz goes into such great detail that I think someone who gets this book has a good chance of learning something that could save their life or someone else's.

I will let you know what helps me most...


Robin said...

Wow - that is all interesting information. I just wish someone would devise a 30 day diet/schedule that would incorporate all that into it. I don't think I could be that organized to get it all in my day!

Anonymous said...

So much to learn, but I live with someone who is so up on this stuff that I am slowly changing my lifestyle...slowly :o)

Knit-Wit said...

Wow - looks like I'll be dead before too long! I'm so bad at MOST of these! Some I do.... so maybe that'll offset the rest. :-)

I answered one of your questions today, so pop on over and see the answer.

Karen said...

Wow -- where to start? I can check a few of these off my list, but not many! I've read statistics about sleep deprivation and it's amazing what lack of shuteye can do -- everything from more frequent accidents to gaining weight. That's it! I'll sleep my way through the day and wake up skinny!

Seriously, thanks for the tips. I look forward to reading more.

Anonymous said...

That Dr Oz! He is a wellspring of information. I wonder what his wife serves him for dinner.

Willow said...

Somewhere I read, "Only floss the teeth you want to keep!"
Willow is off to eat salad, steamed green beans, broccoli and a baked potato (to go with the ice cream! heheh)

Myrna said...

Well, I better get busy on tomorrow's pills, supplements, etc. It will take all day to get them down. Seriously, how do you take all that znd eat, too.

Very interesting and good information. I have made some changes recently, but still need to do more. Exercise is my downfall. I'm working on it!!

Tammy said...

Sounds really interesting...I've been meaning to try the green tea.

Have a great day!

Karen said...

There is so much information out there, it makes my head spin to try to figure it out. It goes against everything my mom did when I was a child.
Thanks for the heads up, I'd like to read the book.

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

I LOVE Dr. Oz!! I try to never miss him on the Oprah show! Do you have any of his other books? I'm thinking about getting the diet book, is it do-able?

Thanks for typing that up for us, keep it coming, please!

Yes, I watched Oprah and the Osmonds today, I watched it TWICE!! I loved it! What a great family! Wasn't that Oprah doll wonderful!


Renie Burghardt said...

Wow, Jody, thanks for all the great tips. I'm going to buy the book!



Susie said...

Lots of good information here. I can see some things I can do to improve my health.
I'm going to look for this book..